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Looking for band members (Updated)

Gio Vanni is looking for Keyboardist or Guitarist that plays Rock, Heavy Metal or Punk Rock

Hello! We are a four piece band and we would like to add more people to make the band complete.

Currently searching for:

I wanted to have a band to jam at first, just as a hobby, to keep polishing my skills. But when I heard there is an annual big event called BayBeats in SG, I thought, "Eh, why not?"

Band identity:
My ideal aim would be heavy music combined with some screams/growls but with a touch of melodic vocals. If possible, with touch of aesthetics but I know not many people do this, so just the first sentence will be good.

About me:
A guitarist, 3x years old from Indonesia. I played in bands when I was in University, mainly playing J-rock and J-metal songs in festivals. I have my own project (also heavily inspired by J-culture) called Invinitium. I have released some songs in Spotify and YT.

Some songs we played in our 1st jamming session on end-Jan:
- Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!
- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
- Beartooth
- A Day to Remember

If you are interested, let's connect.